Monday 17 October 2011


Credit Where Credit Is Not Due

Continuing my “reflections” following the Prayer For Revival meeting I attended last Monday (October 10th) I would like to continue with these thoughts:

During the meeting it was called out that we should rise up and take back that which the devil has taken from us!

Now I am all for entering into spiritual warfare and standing firm on the promises of God knowing that God has already defeated the devil by defeating death, and certainly as God’s people we need to reclaim the ground that belongs to Him.

However, as I contemplated this on Tuesday morning (11th October) and also reflected on things I had previously heard through teachings, sermons, Bible studies and during my own (sadly infrequent) quiet times, I just wondered whether in fact we as a God’s church are too quick to give “credit where credit is not due”. In fact are we giving too much credit to the devil when he has not earned that credit? Let’s stretch this out a bit:

·        The devil is not omnipresent – he can only be in one place at a time
·        He is not all powerful and can only carry out one act at a time (although I accept he may use some of his fallen angels – his followers – to act for him)
·        And something brought home to me recently – the devil is not all knowing – he does not know what may happen in the future and knows as much about the future as you and I

So quite frankly I do not think I want to be giving the devil too much credit, if any, for “taking” the ground away from the church of God.

Rather I raise the question as to whether God’s church has been so complacent in the UK in particular (but other areas too), so laid back, protected, unafraid and unchallenged, that actually we have simply allowed the Christian values and viewpoint be watered down, washed away and totally diminished within our societies. So rather than the ground being taken from us, I put it that we have just sat back and allowed it to be taken.

Oh but, I hear you cry, no it’s not us it’s the government of today, of yesterday, it’s the interference of the European commission imposing rules and regulations upon us.

Well some of that has happened but as we are the electorate, then we have allowed these things to happen by not sounding out a loud enough voice standing up to be counted for what we believe in and not taking a stand against the erosion of God’s values.

This is not a “political” blog, it is purely my reflections, but we need to be making a stand against the removal of biblical standards in our society, in our schools, we need to re-learn the value of respect, of caring for our neighbours, not the society we have become which focuses on “me”, “I want it now”, “what do I get out of it” as principles and philosophies.

We all have a part to play in shaping our society, of supporting the Christian candidate when he or she does stand, so that Christian influences can be part of our government. And those candidates have stood. And I wonder how much support they received from their own people, (the church), how many nights of prayer did we have, how much fasting did we do? Isn’t it more likely that we simply wandered down to the voting booths placed our “X” in the box and returned to watch TV? (The truth is I know that’s what I did L )

Do we do enough to prevent God’s values being eroded away? I certainly do not think we have in the past. So before we credit the devil for something please let us look at what we as the church have not done and therefore what we have allowed to happen.

We need to reverse the flow away from God and I believe the prophecy on the Churches from Norfolk and the promise of revival will require us to introduce God’s values into all that we do, everywhere we do it and not just on a Sunday morning behind closed doors.


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