Sunday, 4 November 2012


I hear people talking about it and see people posting about it and I am all for it BUT it appears sometimes all people are doing is waiting and searching for it………..well some old news for us all…………the waiting is over REVIVAL is HERE and REVIVAL is NOW!!!!!

You see REVIVAL starts with ME and YOU wherever we are in our day to day lives. At home, work, socialising, shopping, playing sport, simply everywhere that we are. We just have to be willing to step out of our own plans and step into what God opens up for us each and every day and react to the opportunities He provides. And it’s no good waiting till you are being really “good” because in truth it will be too late then, we will be made “pure” when we are in Heaven and there would be no need for REVIVAL. No God can and will use us regardless of our circumstances; He will use us despite those circumstances and not because of them.

I am delighted to be part of some wonderful people who meet regularly in prayer and worship in response to a prophecy given over a year ago that national revival will come to the UK and it will emanate from Norfolk. We are a diverse group of people where denomination is completely ignored and we are focused on praising our Heavenly Father and seeking His guidance in all that we do. We fervently believe that the time is coming, that it is nigh, that a great move of His Holy Spirit will descend across Norfolk moving out over the UK. However I do not think anyone associated with that group is sitting at home, or in the chair or pew of their church just “waiting” for revival to come. Every church, every individual, is learning to step out into situations we would not normally do and be used by Daddy God to rekindle the flame that once burnt passionately in this land for the things of Heaven. Think of the word. REVIVAL is to “bring back”. You cannot REVIVE something that was never there.

So: If you are waiting for REVIVAL you may have a long wait. If you want to see this county (Norfolk or wherever you are), this country (England or wherever you are) REVIVED to the glory of the Father then GET UP and BE SOMEWHERE where you can BE GODS LOVE and where you can, through the strength of His Holy Spirit, be a CATALYST to trigger REVIVAL in your town, village, community, street!!!! REVIVAL is HERE it’s NOW and it’s through YOU!!!

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