Friday, 26 October 2012


Well hello everyone, yes I have returned. I cannot really believe that over 4 months have passed since my last post on this blog site.
So much has been going on in my life that I let my focus shift away from what I think God was using within these blogs and I have now been brought back to them. Some of what has happened and the experiences that I am now going through will unfold in these pages over the coming months.

It was a recent coffee with a good friend that made me really think about these blogs and their value. This guy is a superb bloke, a husband and father, and has a challenging job in a challenging industry. I think he will probably read this when he sees the various posts and links again, and I hope he will not mind me saying the following.
He said something profound to me about this site. The reason it had a profound impact is that he wasn’t what I had thought was my “targeted” audience.

You see I predominantly write about what I think is being revealed to me in my Christian life through Father God, both the good things He highlights but also my short comings and therefore sometimes the short comings of the “church”. As far as I am aware my friend is not a regular church goer, and as I think back I don’t think we have ever gone onto any depth about what he may or may not believe about God, however he is someone who’s company I enjoy and whose stories I enjoy sharing through his own writings.
Anyway we had a bit of an open chat about what was going on with my life and he said he hadn’t seen the blogs for a while and that “he had missed reading them because he enjoyed what they had to say”, in particular he enjoyed “reading a truthful analysis of where I was at in my Christian life”, which as I have said can be great places as well as difficult ones.

So I reflected on that over the past week and have decided to try and commit time to continue writing this blog. There are new things taking place in my life, some amazing challenges and lessons learnt, and some amazing blessings even in the midst of hard times, and a new freedom through a negative situation. Now there is a lot in that sentence that is cryptic and a lot I have to decide on how much to unpack and how vulnerable I make myself, not that I am afraid of vulnerability, I just have to know that it is for His glory and not for self enhancement.

So my next blog will be to close out the series I had left hanging at the start of June and just write it up in a much simpler format than I had previously attempted as I share why three verses in Luke (Luke 2 vs. 36 – 38) are so significant, and how those three verses just demonstrate, as did my conversation with my friend, that we can never fully know the impact we have on those around us when we simply allow God to lead and we follow His leading

God Bless you All, forgive my absence and I pray that God provides me insights that can be shared to encourage His people.
